This LOL Pic's Comments
I'm gonna bring that bitch some leaves, bitches love leaves.
Why does this smell fishy?
It looks like the cover to Justin Beibers failed rap album "Rollin' with Black People"(2006)
house plants, legalise them...
Dude no way I think I kno that kid no lie
How much you bet he actually smoked this
its good while sleeping
I'm gonna make some tea
is it just me, or is it whenever i see a chubby kid like me trying to pull off swag, or the gayness acronym, i want to slap them across the face? just me? well great now i feel like an ass
It looks like the cover to Justin Beibers failed rap album "Rollin' with Black People"(2006)
I'm gonna bring that bitch some leaves, bitches love leaves.