This LOL Pic's Comments
Apple fanboys are stupid. MacOS X uses the Darwin kernel....yes BSD's Darwin kernel. So you are paying for something you can get for free (FreeBSD). Who is the dumbass now. And quit saying that Macs are great for video editing, you don't do any fucking video editing. All you do is browse the internet and check email. So don't walk around trying to act all tech savvy when you know deep down inside that your shitty Apple computer doesn't have a right click.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win, you are still retarded.
guys, stop arguing. we all know we only buy a computer FOR TEH PR0NZ
Top comment is bloody retarded. It's not funny, or witty, or even intelligent. It's standard hate.
Macs smell of wee-wee and PC's smell of pooh-pooh!
He's absolutely right. My mouse doesn't have a right click. And I'm on a mac! Oh wait. There it is. I'll have to show this to my best friend the video editor. He'll laugh a bit too. =)
Woah, Nerds are angry!
the right click on a mac involves having to hold down the left click button until the right click menu opens....i would rather have a dedicated button for right clicking. you mac pansies should go back to your "video editing" and let the adults talk about tech
FreeBSD isn't OSx and there's more to the Mac than the OS. I do video editing and I right click is optional on the sexy, sexy magic mouse. You fail on every point, hater.
The nerd that wrote the top comment is named Alex Vega
Both windows and mac buyers are stupid. Go linux and you don't have to pay for your software anymore. Ever! And what's more: Video editing on linux is great too! And the best CG animation movies are made in linux too! Haha
@the guy who said LOL macs dont suck. Ur just poor and jealous my computer cost less than half of what the average mac desktop costs and im running a phenom..... also photoshop is on windows as well so is final cut pro so dont even try to give that video and photo editing bull shit.
PC fanboys are faggots. PC's use some shitty hardware....yes some shitty hardware. So you are paying for something that doesn't fucking work. Who is the dumbass now. And quit saying that PC's are great for gaming, Which probably means all you do is browse the internet, check email, and play World of Warcraft. So don't walk around trying to act all tech savvy when you know deep down inside that your all that you shitty PC does is crash and contribute further to four 95% body fat and lack of sex life..
I work for both of those magazines (they are owned by the same company). We've had this picture up in our office for some time now.
Macs DO have right click. Only stupid PC users don't know this.
Guarantee the douche who wrote the 2nd comment is a 35 yr old fat virgin who only ever leaves his room at his mums house to go to star trek conventions.... Get a fucken life cunt!
Never seen so many kids who have no idea what they are talking about. Kind of sad really... Anger management probably won't work... No this goes deeper.
Supporting any corporation is lame. It appears your very susceptible to advertising. Its a funny picture.
i had my eye on the kitkat the whole time.
How about this..Computers suck because they are inherently evil...lets see how many people agree.
macs does have a right click... we have multi touch trackpad technology... we can use two fingers to tap for a right click or we can use the our multi touch mouse. you have no idea what your talking about... your obviously too poor to own a mac. ignorant
People still argue about if Mac or PC is better?! 2006 called, it wants it's argument back!
FreeBSD isn't OSx and there's more to the Mac than the OS. I do video editing and I right click is optional on the sexy, sexy magic mouse. You fail on every point, hater.
fuck your Mac AND fuck your PC, cuz I'm goin Linux!
as long as the computer is accessable to redtube it doesnt really matter what brand
You can hit control left click Dr. Hawkings
Top comment = win.
its a computer. chill the fuck out. who gives a shit if its a mac or a pc? if i want to waste my money on a mac, let me.
Apple DOES have right click. Two fingers, *click*. and I don't 'preesheate yaw callin apple fanz dat like dey some derty hillbillys.
uh guys.... the pic is supposed to be funny, not an invitation for every pretentious computer lover to shit out their unimportant views and try to make themselves feel better about themselves by saying "i'm right, you're stupid, for some irrelevant reason my system is better than yours, therefore you're a lesser being. Fuck off, the picture is funny
The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves there's a reason mac's are used in professional industries around the world... does that mean your right and countless large companies and professionals (and amateurs) are wrong? take a look at dell's latest advert on tv for their net-books - get windows 7 home premium and enjoy a side by side view... windows and dell... is that your selling point? a fucking side by side view... the fuck? get a mac and shut the fuck up moaning about them its the best move i ever made
the pics funny but the retards below arguing are even funnier!
i've just love condoms and lot's of cum... -underground-eminem
People still argue if Mac or PC is better? 2006 called, it wants it's argument back!!
It's funny, you can tell someone who's too retarded to try using a mac because they have no idea that macs DO, in fact, have right clicking, and that they are better (even at video editing.) You don't have to take my word for it, try it yourself, though I've used Windows MovieMaker and Apple's iMovie (each comes free with its respective computer) and MovieMaker can't even begin to compare to iMovie.
Stop arguing, it's the internet, for god's sake!
Macs do NOT have a right click! They have Command+Click which means you have to click before you click. Or if you want to be technically accurate for those assholes who will bash this statement, you have to press a button before you can click. And also you can spend $69 on a mouse that has a right click but is painful to hold and use because Apple cares more about what it looks like as opposed to how your hand feels after hours and hours of use with it.
Apple makes money from hardware and not software...it takes a big faggot to spot a small one!! (shove your pc with all its virusses dumbass!!)
A product is only as good as it's backup support, who supports linux? The clueless open source community...
...How in Hell did a Rant against Apple (Probably from someone who works for Windows, probably low down) get...over 270 thumbs up?
yeah, Macs have had right click for quite some time...
I actually do video editing... and I have right click enabled on mine via checking a box in the system preferences that allow it...
whos 2nd place now bitch!!!! mwahhahahahahhah
Actually, the pointer on both magazines is pointing to the three musketeers bars. mmmmmmmm.
Who cares what it's good for? And who cares what PCs are good for? because chances are, the dick who wrote this only sits on his computer and watches porn anyway. Fag.
Nothing against apple... but I believe the joke here is that Mac's are not "Best bang for your buck"
so... macs do have a right click... like really. its not hard. its called a two finger touch or the command key. its not like it cant do it... maybe you should do some research b4 u post comments like that. asshole.
mine has a right click :(
those baby ruths look fucking good
two fingers on the pad and click. it's really fucking easy. come now, don't be an idiot when there's google here to help
I tip Amstrad to make a comeback
the candy in the background is the best part about this picture
my mac has a right click...=[
Top comment = fail.
Guy who wrote this obviously never met me.. I have 3 apple computers, all of which I use for video editing which I do for several hours every day. I have used windows computers ( in fact one of my computers is half mac and half PC) for video editing and apple FAR surpasses anything i have ever done on a PC they are 10,000x faster and easier to use than any PC. So next time you are about to make a complete jackass of yourself, think, maybe you are about to say this to hide the fact that you don't have the balls to learn something new.
apples do have a right click.....
Wow. The comments are funnier than the picture. Epic.
1st comment waaayyyy too long
Give me a break give me a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.
"Apple fanboys are stupid. MacOS X uses the Darwin kernel....yes BSD's Darwin kernel. So you are paying for something you can get for free (FreeBSD). Who is the dumbass now. And quit saying that Macs are great for video editing, you don't do any fucking video editing. All you do is browse the internet and check email. So don't walk around trying to act all tech savvy when you know deep down inside that your shitty Apple computer doesn't have a right click." Only something a sad 30-year old virgin would post.
Apple fanboys are stupid. MacOS X uses the Darwin kernel....yes BSD's Darwin kernel. So you are paying for something you can get for free (FreeBSD). Who is the dumbass now. And quit saying that Macs are great for video editing, you don't do any fucking video editing. All you do is browse the internet and check email. So don't walk around trying to act all tech savvy when you know deep down inside that your shitty Apple computer doesn't have a right click.