This LOL Pic's Comments
For a full shameful minute... I didn't know why this was funny.
Dependopotamus!!! Quick kill it with fire!
Hate to spoil the fun...the misspelling is probably a pun done on purpose. Independent voters, indie rock, an unaffiliated group of some type.
when the harpoons are not manned in time
welcome to earth
gues who is the patriot
Lol about the misspelled word in the pic, but lol even harder at this... "they probably thought they were pretty smart for remembering the apostrophe LoL "its indepenent is day, right?" INDEPENDENT --- Oh, and it's the possessive form, dumbass. It actually IS supposed to have an apostrophe.
Oh dear.
Just promise me you won't have children...
someone pleeeease explain what is so funny, i wanna know!!!
Learn to English
I can see why the fat one's "independent"
A celebration for ONE guy.
hehe this is fucking funny
meanwhile in redneck county
Independents Doy
OOOHHH yeeaaahh! celebrating not having to pay taxes on all my Independent's!!!
All I can see is a guy playing with his dick. No wait, that's my reflection in the monitor...
She should be holding a banjo..
"For a full shameful minute... I didn't know why this was funny."... I still don't.
fuck you. :{
They're Browncoats! :D
It's Independence Day, not Independent's Day
"Hate to spoil the fun...the misspelling is probably a pun done on purpose. Independent voters, indie rock, an unaffiliated group of some type." Are you retarded? Did you even look at the picture? This bitch gets creative over a frying pan, not word play.
wow;; how the F*ck do you spell it wrong... if you can't spell independence day, you shouldn't live in america.
lolololol they spelled i rong
Oh sweet lord, it looks like a town a few miles up river. FML.
Haha, I used to work at that summer camp.
the fat one doesnt need that trumpet... just FART!
i dont get it
Blow your trumpet girl and be frey!
Hate to spoil this, but there is actually a day called independent's day. here's the url.
Independent is doy.
they probably thought they were pretty smart for remembering the apostrophe LoL "its indepenent is day, right?"
you americans are so intellgent
agree i can't see it?
You won your independence, and this is what you do with it
For a full shameful minute... I didn't know why this was funny.