This LOL Pic's Comments
+5 for mulletude
What kind of a moran can't spell bran right?
They must be at a NASCAR event.
I guess that makes you king of the Morans!
The word "Moron" is spelt wrong and the "Punctuation" = " Exclamation mark"is in the wrong spot.
This is a stupid tea party convention.......republicans....
He didn't spell it wrong, He just spelled it with an accent
He meen MORMONS dumasses
Morans or Mormons?
WTF? What's wrong with it?it's spelled correctly.
and he can vote.....
at least he isn't a cubs fan
Two for flinching
omg is he missing his finger ?
the guy in red on the right realizes he is about to get his picture taken with a 'moran' and all he can do is laugh
WOW. Spelling fail.
I are the most smarter
as someone with the last name "moran" i take offense to this. go kill yourself idiot.
thats my ex's boyfriend's last name huh
The moran family was a notorious crime family during the melbourne gangland wars, but fortunately theres only one left and she is rotting in jail, rest got what was coming to them, a dirt-nap..
+5 for mulletude