This LOL Pic's Comments
Oh, thank God...
Lol, I have this but it says "When Edward see's it, he'll shit sparkles." So much win
Bend over Bella
oooo sht, the fairy is going down!!!11
He's "ear-wigging" again
God bless your soul. Edmund DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!
On second thought Bella doesnt want to be a vampire anymore...
This is how twilight should ended. on other though it's how it should of started
Cue blood rave club music
Fuck yea!!! >:D
hey everyone, call this number repeatedly (5175072430) and say the rudest thing you can possibly come up with. thanks. (:
this would be a happy end! hhahaha
Santa Clause fuck
Even though the girl isn't a vampire can Blade just do us all a favor and kill her too?
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I think we need Alucard from Hellsing to eat Edward for breakfast.
i agree
bust a silver cap in his a** Blade! lol
Do they turn into ash or *high pitched feminine voice* SPARKLES!!!
Both Heads Off with One Swipe !!!
This Software Hack made me $4000 a day $100k in month to download-->>
Daywalker vs. Gaywalker
Blade Came fo yo ass!
If u haven't noticed the funny side there is A FAGG IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PIC god
Blade....slice that sorry azz sucka!!! Lol
How twilight should of started
Hahaha that's Blade, isn't it. Google "factopo" and you'll see
Finally!! A real man in the movie!!! And a decent actor as well, wohooo!! Now, if only Blade could make Edward's death reeeeally painful, that would make me happy...
you gonna get raped
Oh, my god... If only this were the way Meyer had written it...
Bend over Edward???
David from the Lost Boys, and Dracula from the remake of Bram Stoker. And while we're at it, let's throw in an anime vamp in the form of Alucard, eh?
I would willingly pay to see this movie.
Buffy would've tried to fuck him, laugh at it then stake him with it
Blade, get her too
Edward vs. Blade . I got my money on the nigga with the big sword
Santa Clause fuck
Really fucking old but good. Twilight blows
Thus comes the happy ending
I pay to see that!
HELL YEAH......wait am I the only girl who hates twilight if you are a girl or guy who hates twilight like if you disagree .....disagree
Blade, we must thank you.
death to the sparkly vamps!
Your a bit late Blade. Twilight Has already taken over 1/4th of the world. the other 1/6th? of the world has been spared.
I don't care how much money I have to spend to see this, I WANT TO SEE THIS FUCKING HAPPEN.
Blade! kill the sparkly dumbass! You're saving the world!
Fucking gay movie ever!!!, fucking gays vampires!!!...
haha lol fuck
wiii! :D
There go the sequels...
"...Sometimes, the forest is generous to me."
I love you, Blade
Best Thing to come from twilight yet. Nothing like wesley snipes to ruin a sparkly mormons day. I would pay to see him tear these gay ass vamps apart. too bad it won't come true. i guess i cant go see the movie
I thought Blade only killed REAL vampires.
I see rape attack.
ya he should slaughter them both. that whore probably has one million disease she might spread around.
Do it...Get it over with!
Bellas got a new fella
"Catch you fuckers at a bad time?"
Santa Clause fuck
Not a real contest when even South Park vampires are better than Twilight's.
Go Blade! Kill that sparkly fake they call a vampire! since you're at it mite as well kill the girl too.
Oh Hell Yeah! >:D
About time someone stepped up to end that sparkly fucker
Finally this fucker can die!!!
fuck you guys i love ed
See guys this is why god gave us photoshop :D THANK GOD
that fucker is screwed, blades gonna chop his head off and fuck his bitch
They gonna get raped.
haha Buffy the Vampire Slayer would kick edwards ass!!!
can we get that Akasha bitch from Queen of the Damned in here too? Return the badass to vampires. This sparkle-cock emotional drama queen needs to die.
i want your white girl!
Some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill
Daywalker is VERY disappointed in you...
please do
wouldn't be much of a fight; between a sparkling fairy and a badass vampire killer, the odds are in blade's favor
Who thought anybody would be so happy to see Wesley Snipes.
okay we just need bieber to be a vampire and then wesley could retire and the world would be piecefull
Ha! Freakin Awesome
It's about time.
This isn't right. Blade only kills vampires, not fags
only thing that would make it better is if David from The Lost Boys showed up and helped blade kill him.
die glitter boy
So THIS is why everyone loves Eclipse so much!
ha ha nice
Thank you dear sweet god in heaven
Damn girl you all are fucked
Glad you're here
twilight = failure blade = EAT THAT SPARKLY BASTARD.
...And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.
Awesome...simply awesome.
still a better love story then twighlight
bout fucking time XD
throwing knife +50
This should be fun..
...But I thought he killed real vampires. :/
I LOOOOOOVE white girl period!!!!
Oh, if only that talentless bitch Stephenie Meyer kept her sexual fantasy to herself. What would have made Twilight better was if any REAL vampire from a REAL vampire story would show up and kiss that sissy non-vampire's ass. Come on! Underworld? Hell, even Dracula?
oh fuck i laught so hard :D epic win
blade: "sorry I am late..."
real vampires dont sparkle!! end it now blade!!
BLADE: I got you now you little sparkling Bitch!!
i would actually watch this = ] my friends forced me to watch twilight, i got bored shitless and walked out halfway, shame they didn't give me a refund! i hate the sparkly cow that calls itself edward!!
This is why I love Blade.
you have to get the girl too blade i heard she becomes one of them kill her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have this, but it says "How Twilight should've ended." n_n
I don't get it? o_O
How you really wanted the movie to end.
.... how the fuck did i miss that one ah well where is that stake
You're fucked
I never appreciated Blade movies to much ... but when you put it this way... it's f***ing awesome!!! :)))
Santa Clause fuck
A delightful change of pace.
Kill it! Kill it with fire!
fake, black guys are scared of trees.
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wow a real vampire in Twilight wth :p
That Smile........ on Blade Face
if only they put this scene in the new twilight movie (imagines fan reaction and laughs evilly) if they did that I would go see it just for the shock value
Do dead vampires turn to ash in Twilight?
Oh, thank God...