This LOL Pic's Comments
Evolution: You are doing it...wait, what?
then comes: /b/: "wat"
Double Rainbow Guy: "What does it mean?" THERE MAY BE HOPE FOR HUMANITY
Just shows how thick niggers really are.
Stop- Hammertime.
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
Cool, go from a person with high intellect (high enough to ask a stoner question) to a complete idiot entertainer. The creator is just as idiotic with their lame pop statement as the show idiot.
avril lavigne : 'What the hell???!"
what what in the butt
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
What does it mean to be good?
Say what again!
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
What it DOES!
I'm at the Pizza Hut - whut? I'm at the Taco Bell - whut? I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Do these exist?
What What, In the butt?
fruit: lolwut
I think Lolwut came next.
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
Moral: WH...
What it is, jive turkey?
the deevolution of a man's mind
boner time sonny jim
De-evolution: it is among us.
And then came "Wha?"
Stinkmeaner: "What's good nygga, what's REALLY good?!"
Last one: Y
what is the what? by dave eggers
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
Aristotle to lil Wayne reversed evolution from smart to um.
Evolution: You are doing it...wait, what?