This LOL Pic's Comments
Medal of Ho, European Ass, that's one game i'd love to play.
Playstation 2's greatest hit, Medal of Ho, European ass
MEDAL OF HO, European Ass Its the greatest Hit.
Greatest hit...lol...get it....hit.
I still plau that game every once and awile. in one part, you save a french ho from the germans, guess what you got to do to her
Thanks Mr. Most Liked Comment, I couldn't figure that out from the picture!
in Euro, or American?
Wow, this game may be as good as Call of Booty 2!
A Tracy Jordan production
American idiot, Europian ass.
ooh mvp pass..=]
european ass for $13.49 wow thats saving your dollars worth
Europeans do tend to be a bunch of asses.
Dude, dude don't touch that!! Why man? It's the platinum edition. Over one OH GAWD! *lights hand on fire*
Medal of Ho, European Ass, that's one game i'd love to play.